
主要: 全球研究 (法律系的重点)
未成年人: 政治科学公共卫生


I chose this major to experience an interdisciplinary curriculum. I was seeking an outlet to explore my love of people 和 I was curious to learn more about the effects of globalization. 

What is your career objective?

I plan to attend an MBA program with an international business emphasis 和 then attend law school with the hope of a career concentrated in international law.

How has what you’ve learned in your courses so far prepared you for your future?

My courses have prepared me for the interconnectedness of our world. By taking courses in various disciplines like 政治科学, 公共卫生, 社会学, 历史,宗教和 宗教研究, I have learned valuable insights into human behavior, 政治理论, international 和 domestic policy, international relations 和 culture.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

The small class sizes 和 personal attention from Carroll faculty has allowed me to form relationships with every professor I have had the pleasure of being taught by. After taking SOC311: Methods of Social Research, I had the honor of working one-on-one with Dr. 詹妮弗·哈克 on a Pioneer Scholar research grant. Dr. Huck saw my passion in the classroom 和 found a way for me to apply it after the course had ended. The summer research was so rewarding that I asked to complete an independent study with Dr. Huck during the spring of 2019. By taking the time to know me, Dr. Huck made me feel valued 和 motivated me to apply what I have learned in the classroom in unique ways.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

The most memorable assignment I have had during my education at Carroll took place in SOC311: Methods of Social Research. Dr. Huck’s class focused on preparing students to conduct scholarly research. A final paper was assigned so that students could demonstrate proficiency in writing a literature review, 一个研究问题, hypotheses 和 a methodology section of a research paper. 另外, students were asked to define variables, a mode of collection 和 the sample from which their research was to take place. I learned how to write an effective paper from this class 和 developed a passion for research. This class pushed me to step outside of my comfort zone, to reexamine how I learn 和 to think critically.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to be very involved on campus. With the encouragement of Carroll students, 教职员工, I have been able to take on various leadership roles within several 组织 including Student Senate, Greek Life, InterVarsity, 和 大学 Against Cancer. My passion for student development 和 the Carroll experience has led me to work in 居住生活和住房, along with being a Student 校友 Ambassador. 另外, having flexibility in my coursework has allowed me to explore other areas of study. 通过这个探索, I have found excitement in learning about 政治科学 和 公共卫生. I do not feel that any other institution, 也不是其他程序, would have given me the extent of freedom that I have experienced within Carroll’s global studies major.

What would you say to someone considering global studies?

I would tell a prospective student that majoring in global studies has helped me find my place in the world. I have become well-versed in current affairs 和, more importantly, I underst和 为什么 our global political climate is the way that it is.

How has financial aid made a difference in your life?

I have been blessed to received several 奖学金 throughout my time at Carroll. There are truly not enough words to state the significance these 奖学金 have in my life. Receiving financial aid means that I do not have to worry as much about affording school 和 I can focus my attention on my academic, professional 和 social involvements.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite place to study on campus is in 石溪咖啡,位于图书馆. I love seeing students interact with one another on the way to class, in meetings 和 while studying. 它肯定
doesn’t hurt that coffee is only a few feet away!

Learn more about the 全球研究 program

